HART/Modbus TCP Gateway


GT200-HT-MT Quick Start Guide

Product Appearance


  • 1. According to the gateway's power wiring label and 24V DC power wiring.
    Pin Function
    1 Power GND
    2 NC(Not Connected)
    3 24V+,DC Positive 24V
  • 2. The gateway is connected to the computer via the Ethernet RJ45 cable to upload, download and debug the gateway configuration.
  • 3. According to the gateway's HART wiring. More details, please refer to user manual about two wire and four wire HART wiring.
    Pin Function
    + Connected to HART signal + (positive)
    - Connected to HART signal - (negative)
    NC NC (Not Connected)
  • 4. 35mm DIN Rail Installation.

LED Status Indicators

Indicator State Description
TX Flashing Green HART data transmitting
OFF No data transmitting
RX Flashing Green HHART data receiving
OFF No data receiving
NS Solid Green Modbus TCP connection is established.
Communication is normal.
Flashing Green Modbus TCP connection is not established
MS Static IP OFF IP address starts normally
Flashing red 3 times Static IP initializing
DHCP Flashing red 5 times and then turns off DHCP allocate address successfully
Flashing red for 30s and then turns off DHCP allocation failed, IP address fixed at

DIP Switch or Function Button

The DIP switch is located at the bottom of product,bit 1 is the function bit and bit 2 is the mode bit.

Operating Mode Description
Off Off Run Mode Allows configuration and communication.
Off On Configuration Mode IP address is fixed at Allows configuration.
Prohibits Ethernet and HART communication.
On Off Debug Mode Allows configuration, communication and debugging.
On On Run Mode Allows communication. Prohibits configuration and debugging.

Software Configuration

  • 1. Set the IP of the connected computer to a static IP within the 192.168.0.X subnet.
  • 2. Run the SST-HI-CFG software installed on your computer.
  • 3. Click "Ethernet" in the tree view on the left, set the "IP address" and "Function Code of Modbus TCP Client Reading Data".
  • 4. Click "HART Channel" in the tree view on the left and set the HART channel parameters.
    Note: HART protocol specifies that the slave device which address is 0 must work in point to point mode. In point to point mode the digital communication and analog communication is allowed to exist at the same time. The Slave with address 1-15 works in multi-drop mode. In multi-drop mode the analog output of the device is the minimum value (e.g. 4mA), only allows digital communication. The protocol also specifies that the default factory address of field device is 0.
  • 5. Add HART node and commands under the HART channel.
  • 6. Click download button, select the gateway in the pop-up dialog box and click on "Download"
  • For more information, please refer to the GT200-HT-MT manual.

Communication Instructions

  • 1. Connect HART devices to the gateway HART interface. HART devices are classified into two-wire system and four-wire system. Please refer to the gateway manual for specific connection methods.
  • 2. Observe the indicator lights to check the communication status (you can use the diagnose in SST-HE-CFG to view the data of the HART device).
  • 3. The Modbus master reads data from the HART device starting at address 30001 using Function Code 04. For details, please refer to the manual.